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Technical and industrial heat and sound insulation


"TEHIZOL" series


Technical and industrial insulation plays a significant role in the issue of energy efficiency of enterprises. Reduction of heat losses of industrial complexes, heating, water supply and ventilation systems is solved by using effective insulating materials made of stone wool.

The objects of application of technical insulation are air ducts, gas ducts and pipelines, refrigerating units, heat lines, ventilation ducts, industrial and energy equipment, as well as boilers, pipes and furnaces in domestic premises.

The use of NOVOTERM stone wool allows you to solve the following problems:

minimization of heat loss;

  • elimination of condensation on the inner and outer surfaces of insulated objects;

  • prevention of thermal expansion and thermal deformation of surfaces;

  • fire protection of steel structures, ducts, smoke channels;

  • protection of users from accidental burns;

  • reducing the level of noise created by the operation of the equipment.

The NT Techizol product line is characterized by a reduced content of organic binders, allowing the use of materials for the insulation of industrial equipment with an application temperature from minus 60°C to plus 250°C.



"Tehizol 40"
"Tehizol 60"
"Tehizol 80"
"Tehizol 90"
"Tehizol 100"
"Tehizol 110"
"Tehizol 120"
izol 140"
izol 150"

Intended for heat and sound insulation of air ducts, gas ducts, tanks, boilers, technological equipment, flat vertical and horizontal surfaces, furnaces, at objects of various industries (except food) and engineering systems equipment in residential, civil and industrial construction.


The version of physical and technical indicators in English is available for download

HT Техізол 40
Щільність, кг/м3 ± 10%
Стабільність розмірів по довжині, ширині, товщині при [(25 ± 2) °С, (90 ± 5)%, 48 г], %, не більше
Теплопровідність при температурі (10 ± 0,5) °С, Вт/(м·К), не більше
Теплопровідність при температурі (25 ± 5) °С, Вт/(м·К), не більше
Теплопровідність при температурі (125 ± 5)° С, Вт/(м·К), не більше
Міцність на стиск при 10% деформації, кПа, не менше
Стисливість, %, не менше
Не менше 12
Вміст органічних речовин, % за масою, не більше
Водопоглинання при повному зануренні, % за об'ємом, не більше
Водопоглинання при частковому зануренні короткочасне, кг/м2, не більше
Термін ефективної експлуатації, років, не менше
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